€397,00 EUR

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Kajabi Papers


Protect your articles

Imagine you can deliver premium articles with a small snippet as preview. Your readers can buy the article with just a click on the button. Immediately after they bought your premium content, the rest of the article is unlocked. This is just as newspapers offer their premium content.

You can find it all with a lot of customization options in our totally upgraded Kajabi website template: Kajabi Papers.

Visit the demo get a quick preview of the possibilities with this new theme.


Before you buy:

Refund policy
Due to the nature of our product, we do not offer any refunds. We provide demo versions of our templates to give you a good idea of what to expect before making a purchase. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Unlimited use on one website:
The fee for this template is a one-time payment per website. After purchase you can use it as much as you like on one particular Kajabi website. If you want to use it on more websites, you need to buy a separate copy for each website.