The Next Level of Course Creation!
UpCourse empowers Kajabi entrepreneurs to craft visually stunning and interactive lessons that truly resonate. Our tool goes beyond basic text and images, offering dynamic options to boost engagement and retention.
Want to make your course content shine?
For many Kajabi entrepreneurs like yourself, the content of your course or membership is the heart ❤️ of what you have to offer and the core of your business. Naturally, you want each lesson to be visually appealing and engaging for all your students. However, you may have noticed that the options available in Kajabi's text editor for your lessons are quite limited.
Have you ever found yourself wishing for more flexibility to accommodate different learning styles? It's time to make that wish a reality!
Dive into the Magic of UpCourse!
At Jiffy we love granting wishes! We crafted a very special tool: UpCourse . This tool will improve both the content creation process and the learning experience. It allows you to fully optimize the learning experience and maximize student engagement and learning outcomes.
Watch the video now 🎥 to discover how UpCourse can transform your courses! ⤵️
"I kinda wish Kajabi would just pay you a million and add it to the platform for everyone! It just makes so much sense - now that I see it, it should be a standard feature for everyone!
Really great work!"
Jen Blandos

Uplift your lessons!
Default Kajabi or UpCourse?
UpCourse replaces Kajabi's text editor with the UpCourse Lesson builder. An adapted landing page that is stuffed with advanced features for customizing content. UpCourse goes beyond basic text and images, enabling structured, visually appealing, and interactive lessons that improve the learning experience.
The result is easily transferred to your lesson.
UpCourse can be used in combination with any Kajabi Product template.

Experience UpCourse!
Start the free Kajabi UpCourse Demo!
Enter the demo course about the care for roses and see the difference between a default Kajabi lesson and the same content created with UpCourse.
Kajabi UpCourse Features
UpCourse allows you to create lessons just as easily as you would a landing page. It features familiar content blocks for intuitive design, along with innovative new features from Jiffy. These are tools you didn’t know you needed, but once you start using them, you won’t be able to do without.

Visual Playground
It's all about blocks and they are here to create beautiful lessons. You can seamlessly combine text blocks with images. Do you want to align three images in a row or put a colored text block beside an image? Go ahead!
Anything that will help to boost retainment and increase student motivation.

Building Blocks
Apart from the text and image blocks, you'll also have these building blocks available:
- Accordion menu
- Call to Action
- Card and Feature
- Custom Code
- Offer
- Audio and Video
- Embedded video

New possibilities!
We've added unique possibilities you do not find in default Kajabi world: the UpCourse blocks:
- Text Wrap; wrap your text seamlessly around images.
- Author Card; very handy when you have guest tutors.
- PDF slider; your students can just flip through your pdf inside your lesson.
- Table: for structured presentation of information.
Here's how it works
- Easy Installation and registration: UpCourse is 100% Kajabi and you'll be guided with our step-by-step video tutorials for installation, registration and implementation.
- Craft engaging lessons with our user-friendly UpCourse lesson builder, an adapted landing page. So it works as easy and intuitive.
- Copy and Paste the lesson you created with the UpCourse lesson builder with automated steps and paste it directly into your Kajabi course. Save it and let the magic happen!
- Amazing user experience for all your students, on all devices, both browser and App.
- Unlimited use: Duplicate your UpCourse builder for endless captivating lessons!
Uplift your Lessons
Why settle for less when it comes to your students' learning experiences? With Kajabi UpCourse from Jiffy Course Online, you can cater to diverse learning styles and present your content in a way that's easy to digest. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your students' journey!
UpCourse can be used in combination with any Kajabi Product Template.
Need a head start!
Get these UpCourse Lesson templates
Crafting well-structured, engaging lessons from scratch can be challenging. With UpCourse, you can design your own template to streamline the process for every new lesson. But what if we made it even easier for you?
We’ve created three unique lesson templates, each designed for a specific teaching approach:
These templates offer a pre-designed framework to simplify your lesson creation. Easily customize them to fit your needs and reuse them as the foundation for every lesson. A real time-saver for only $49 each.
Good to know
- With UpCourse, you can add extra audio and video to lessons. To prevent Kajabi from automatically advancing to the next lesson once the extra media finishes, uncheck the 'auto advance' option in your settings. Embedded videos don’t have this issue.
- UpCourse does not support editing the text of your existing lessons directly in your course product. To enhance a lesson, copy and paste the text into the UpCourse Lesson Builder individually and start playing!
We understand that you may have concerns about getting your money back if our template is not what you were looking for. Due to the digital/instant nature of this template, we do not offer any refunds. We provide a demo version of Gamify Pro to give you a good idea of what to expect before making a purchase.
However, if you have any issues at all with this template or the service, please contact us and we can discuss. If the template is found to be faulty or there are issues with it that cannot be resolved, then a refund can be offered within 30 days from purchase.